Do you want your dog to be running errands for you?
if yes then this article is for you, because i will be taking you on step by step procedures on all that you have to do for your dog to begin to run errands for you….
In addition to being entertaining and engaging in games with you, teaching your dog to fetch you something can be useful. Teach your dog to fetch and bring you different items around the house, and you’ll have your very own little errand dog.
Teach your dog to collect anything and you’ll impress your friends and have a useful trick on your hands—especially if you could use a little additional assistance around the house.
Certain dogs enjoy retrieving balls, while others prefer retrieving sticks. However, consider the possibility that you may train your dog to bring you the remote control when you’re relaxing on the sofa. On the other hand, consider the possibility of training your dog to deliver your slippers or newspaper. Set your dog to work and enjoy a little fun while you start the lazy Sundays.
Specifying the Work
Teaching your dog the “fetch” command is easy, but you might want to divide it up into several phases so that your dog completely understands your expectations. You can begin by giving your dog an item command so he knows what he is fetching.
Asking your dog to bring you a ball, newspaper, slippers, remote control, stick, etc. is a popular practice. You must train your dog to pick up and bring something to you once he understands what he is holding.
Once he gets it, you’ll have to train him to drop it at your command or to give it to you. Even if fetching is a simple command, it will take some time to separate these commands into more manageable chunks and concentrate on each one separately.
Each command should take several minutes to complete each day. Build up to fetch instructions until your dog understands that they are all part of a pleasant game to play, as they become accustomed to each new one.
You will need a few items, such a ball, a rope toy, a stick, and any other item you would like your dog to learn to fetch for you, in order to teach them to fetch and bring you something. Once your dog becomes accustomed to each instruction, start with one item at a time and gradually go on to other objects. To reward your dog for excellent behavior and enthusiastic responses, make sure you always have a few goodies on hand. Make sure you have plenty of time to dedicate to teaching him every step of these techniques.
1 The Method of Clicker Training
1 Identify:
Give your dog a toy and train him to respond to your commands by teaching him the name of the object. Say the command, then click and treat once she’s taken the toy. When she hears the click, if she is used to clicker training, she should put down the toy since she knows a treat is on the way.
2 Go again:
Get her to understand that the toy you are putting in her mouth is the object you want her to recover by continuing to practice this for 10 to 15 minutes each day for around a week. Place it on the ground and use the command word, encouraging her to pick it up and put it in her mouth as she becomes more proficient with understanding the object and command. Click and treat each time she puts it in her mouth.
3 Put it down:
Once your dog understands how to retrieve the toy, start giving him instructions to “drop it.” Give your dog the toy and the command word while holding your clicker in one hand and a treat in the other. Don’t treat them just yet. Utilize the directive to “drop it.” As you execute the command, show her the reward. Click and treat as soon as she drops the toy.
4 Throw the toy away:
Practice throwing the toy a few feet away and asking your dog to pick it up on command and drop it when she returns it to you. This technique works best when your dog can pick up and drop an object on command. As soon as your dog gives you the toy, remember to click and reward.
5 Always practice, always practice:
Continue rehearsing these procedures with your dog and other toys, giving each one a different command. To prevent confusion, give each item some thought before going on to the next.
Every time your dog masters a new distance, increase the distance between you and the toy. With a little practice, your dog should be able to retrieve an object for you when you give her the command. Every time she brings you something, make sure you click and treat.
The Method of Squeaky Toys
1 Move slowly at first:
If your dog is not a big fan of retrieving, start small and go a short distance to fetch.
2 Fetch:
Call your dog to attention with a squeaky toy and pronounce the word “fetch.”
3 Mouth:
As the toy begins to squeak, have your dog put it in his mouth and say “fetch” once more.
4 Continue:
Continue doing this again until your dog responds to your commands to collect the squeaky toy by grabbing it from you.
5 Miles:
Say “fetch” as you drop the noisy toy at your feet to gradually increase the distance. By now, your dog ought to understand that the term “fetch” indicates that he must put the squeaky toy in his mouth.
6 Increase the distance:
Gradually increase the distance by using the word “fetch” to toss the toy across the room or a few feet in front of you across your yard.
7 Exercise:
By moving farther away and giving the order “fetch,” you can train your dog to chase the squeaky toy and bring it back to you. After your dog is comfortable with the fetch command, replace the squeaky toy with other objects in your house and follow the same process, using cue words to identify the objects so your dog understands what you want him to fetch and what you expect him to bring back.
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The Method of Chase
1 Establish the link:
In the end, your dog will chase after a ball because he wants to play. He will pursue the ball more, the more you toss it. Your dog will come to understand that you were the one who threw the ball and that he must retrieve it if he wants you to do so in the future the more he chases after it.
To help your dog become accustomed to chasing, grabbing, and mouthing the ball, play fetch for a few minutes with him. Get him rolling on bringing it back to you; he might require some reinforcement. The second step of bringing it back to you is crucial.
2 Retain your dog:
Hold onto your dog’s leash for a short while after you toss the ball to make her wait to go get it if your dog is a chaser and eager to race after it. Let her go and say “fetch” when you release her after she has waited a few more seconds and is able to see where the ball was hurled.
3 Get back:
Your dog will have to retrieve the ball for you. To get your dog and the toy back, entice her with a treat or a second toy. Throw the next ball outside and give your dog a treat when she returns to you.
4 Motivate:
After a ball has been tossed multiple times, some dogs will need to be prodded to bring it back. Give your dog praise and treats when you call her back by name.
5 Exercise:
Try these steps again with different items like balls, sticks, and ropes that your dog knows as toys. Use the term “fetch” each time you toss out a toy, expecting your dog to chase after it, recover it, and bring it back to you.
6-household products:
Once your dog has mastered the chase and fetch technique, continue the previous stages with additional things. Items that are not toys need not be thrown away; instead, cue phrases might be used to identify them. To ensure that your dog understands fetching the same object again, make sure you use a command phrase he can understand.
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