Is your dog always barking? Are you disturbed by your dog barking? do you want to put an end to it?

If yes then this article is for you


Nothing will bother the neighbors more than a dog who barks all the time. They’re not alone either, since you and your family also have to put up with the incessant, unplanned outbursts of noise. A dog that constantly barks is a noisy annoyance.

If you are a rental, a dog that can’t keep quiet could get you into an issue with your landlord or just ruin the calm in your home with its deep, throaty woofs or yapping. It’s likely that you will yell for your dog to stop barking when it starts on a fit of yapping. Regretfully, this is not the proper course of action.

Your pet may even take your yells as a poor effort at barking if your attention is unintentionally drawn to the noise, which will only make them more agitated and increase the volume of noise.

How may the barking of your dog be stopped? Let’s have a look at how to teach stillness.

Specifying the Work

How can you educate a dog to ‘not do’ something, particularly when reinforcing the undesired behavior with attention runs the risk of rewarding it? Easy! You commend the good behavior while ignoring the bad.

Alright, so it’s not quite that easy, but the goal is to encourage “quiet” instead of barking. Teach your dog the “Quiet” command to stop barking. The goal is for your closest friend to get the meaning of “quiet” and to know that being silent is rewarded.

Recognize that there are many different reasons why a dog may bark, ranging from boredom to territorial defense. Your dog could bark excessively to greet you or because they believe they are not receiving the attention they desire.

Make sure to address any underlying issues with your dog by giving them plenty of exercise and mental stimulation in addition to teaching them the “Quiet” command. A pleased dog will sleep more and not feel the need to jump at every noise. Recall that certain breeds are also more likely than others to bark.

The speed at which your dog picks up on the command depends on three factors: how quickly they pick things up, how regularly you enforce the regulations, and how deeply established their barking habit is. It’s true that prevention is always preferable to treatment in this situation, thus it’s a good idea to teach puppies not to reward barking in order to break the habit before it starts.


You’ll require:

Reducing the amount of time your dog spends barking is also beneficial as you work on retraining them. This can be as easy as putting your dog in a back room when guests knock on the front door or covering the view from a specific window so they can’t see people on the street.

Above everything, remember to exercise patience. Breaking the habit of barking will take some time because it’s a pleasurable pastime in and of itself. Recognize that training will go much more smoothly if every member of the family is aware of and follows the same guidelines.

1 Command Method for “Quiet”

1 Set a cue for barking:
That is correct, really. Make your dog bark. One way to accomplish this would be to tap on a wall to elicit an experimental “Woof.”

2 Put “Bark” on this label:
They woof and give the command “Bark” while also praising them in a kind voice.

3 Call this silence “Quiet” now:
The dog barked when you knocked on a wall or the floor, then gave you an odd look. Say “Quiet” and take advantage of their perplexed stillness before giving them a treat. This demonstrates to them that barking is not the same as quiet, and that activity is rewarded.

4 Always practice, always practice!:
Before you attempt to break up a full stream bark, wait until your friend has mastered “Quiet” in a controlled setting. Continue practicing daily; try to get in two or three sessions per day.

2. The Method of Ceasing Rewarding

1 Examine your response when your dog barks:
When guests call, do you provide the dog a treat to divert their attention from the door? QUIT! Your dog will interpret the goodie as a “well done for barking, here is your reward.” Are you yelling at your dog? QUIT. You’re making a shoddy effort to participate, to put it in dog terminology.

2 Prepare and steer clear of:
Recognize what can irritate your dog and steer clear of certain circumstances. For instance, if they bark at the street from the living room window, keep the curtains drawn when you are away or cover the bottom glass with frosted glue to restrict them from seeing.

3 Take the proper action:
If the dog barks, you should either put their leash on, walk them to a different room, and leave them alone, or you can ignore them totally and divert your attention. The implication is that when they bark, they find themselves abandoned.

4 Go ahead and train:
Give your dog an order that compels them to do something besides bark. This might be going to lie on their mat or fetching a ball (Clever, this one, as their mouth is now full).

ALSO READ>How to Teach Your Dog to Ride Your Bicycle

3. The Method of Displacement Activities

1 Select a location:
Train in a quiet room to begin with. The location of the window or door where the barking occurs should have a mat placed there.

2 Introduce the directive:
Tell your dog to “go to your mat” after tossing a reward onto the mat. When they reach for the treat, give them a pat on the back.

3. Instruct “stay”:
Teach them the instruction to “Stay” so they can remain on the mat. Remain patient and consistent.

4 Become more challenging:
Now provide a degree of distraction by placing them in a room apart from the mat and instructing them to go there.

5 Include barking:
When they can do this consistently, cue them to bark at a low volume before telling them to go to the mat. After that, you can commend them for their good conduct and resolve the barking issue.

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